Ever Evolving Checklist for a Sustainable Equine Enterprise
Environmental Sphere
Use renewable energy for:
- Home
- Barn
- Automobiles
- Machinery
- Water procurement
- Other
All energy-using items are energy efficient
Building materials are environmentally friendly
- Sustainably harvested wood
- Repurposed wood
- Recycled metals
- Waste minimized and recycled
- Non-toxic synthetic materials
- Biodegradable materials
Building design
- Minimizes materials needed
- Maximizes energy efficiency
- Enhances the surrounding land
Land and water management
- Protect surface and ground water
- Livestock waste composted
- Native grasses, plants and trees
- Grazing managed carefully
- Natural fertilizers
- Safe for animals
- Recycled and/or sustainably produced materials
- Recyclable
Vehicles and Equipment
- Sustainably sourced or recycled materials
- Use renewable energy
- Energy efficient
Food – for human and animal
- Organic
- Local
- Fair-trade
- Supplement only as needed
- Minimal packaging
- Reuse bags
Personal care products – for human and animal
- Minimize
- Natural ingredients
- Sustainably sourced
- Non-toxic
- Minimal or reusable packaging
Tack and clothing
- Reuse and repair
- Leather tanned by environmentally friendly process
- Organic, natural materials
- Recyclable or biodegradable synthetics
- Synthetics made by environmentally friendly processes
Social Sphere
- Treated with respect and kindness
- Empowered and supported
- Basic needs are met
- Fair wages
Horses, donkeys, mules
- Treated with respect and kindness
- Adequate food and water provided
- Shelter available
- Exercise provided
- Basic veterinary care provided
- Life-long home or return policy
- Humane elder care
Other animals
- Treated with respect and kindness
- Adequate food and water provided
- Shelter available
- Exercise provided
- Basic veterinary care provided
- Life-long home or return policy
- Humane elder care
Economic Sphere
- Ethically derived
- Equine welfare considered first if equine is source of income
- Source involves respectful treatment of planet, people and animals
- Generous
- Supports respectful treatment of planet, people and animals
Cost analyses include
- Life-cycle parameters
- Environmental factors
- Fair wages